ISO Working Group – Meeting Market Design Needs
Time: 14:45 - 15:45
Date: 20 March 2024
In this collaborative session, you can expect to interact directly with representatives from regional ISOs and RTOs, focusing on operability and dispatch issues, advanced storage modelling capabilities and making sure the right market incentives are in place to help meet storage needs across the country.
We will begin with a scene-setting panel discussion, and delegates will then be able to join a market-specific discussion table to brainstorm problems around operability, lessons learned from existing deployments and products, modelling capacity and more.
If you are a developer wanting to find out more about different jurisdictions and compensation for storage assets, this is the session for you.
- Mike DeSocio Founder & CEO - Luminary Energy, LLC
- Jim Gonzalez Technical Director Market Policy and Operations - Southwest Power Pool
- Neil Shah Senior Manager, Market Design - Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO)
- Danny Johnson Market Design Sector Manager - California ISO
- Kenneth Ragsdale Market Design & Development - Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)
- Danielle Croop Manager, Market Design - PJM Interconnection
- Shaun Johnson Director of Market Design - NYISO
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