Keynote Panel: Capturing the Value Provided by Energy Storage to the Grid

Time: 10:30 - 11:20

Date: 2023-03-29


Storage played a significant role in the recent California heatwaves and outages and is playing a more significant role in ERCOT. This session will examine how energy storage assets have changed (and will continue to change) the grid planning and operations across the US.

  • The role of storage in getting around some of the transmission and interconnection issues in areas prone to concerns around power supply reliability caused by extreme weather events
  • How Virtual Power Plants and microgrids can help with congestion reduction
  • Renewable energy curtailment management which in turn can help meet state policy goals
  • The flexible capacity value storage can provide to the grid
  • Transmission deferral
  • Storage resources providing ancillary services



  • Dede SubaktiDede Subakti Vice President, System Operations - California ISO
  • Vibhu KaushikVibhu Kaushik Global Head of Utilities and Energy Storage - Prologis
  • Kenneth RagsdaleKenneth Ragsdale Market Design & Development - Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT)
  • Shalene Watanabe-O’TooleShalene Watanabe-O’Toole Operations Manager, Distributed Energy Resources - Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE)
  • Jin NohJin Noh Policy Director - California Energy Storage Alliance

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