Dede Subakti
Dede Subakti currently serves as Vice President, System Operations in California ISO. He is responsible for all aspect of system operations from bid-to-bill. This includes new resources implementation process, operational readiness, day-to-day control room operations, all the way to settlement and dispute processes.
Dede joined the California ISO in 2010, serving first as manager for operations planning. In 2012, he was promoted to his most recent position as director of operations
for engineering services, in which he was responsible for operational engineering and support functions, including resource adequacy assessments, seasonal operating and
outage coordination studies, and operating and reliability analyses.
He also supported the onboarding and day-to-day operations engineering for the Western Energy Imbalance Market (EIM), and RC West, the ISO’s reliability coordinator
function for balancing authorities and transmission operators in the Western Interconnection.